【ENG】Have you known about how much importance of cleansing your face?

I realized the importance of washing my face.




“nourishing the skin” is important than “cleansing the skin.”


“nourishing the skin” is important than “cleansing the skin.”

Why I use Daijobu Soap.


Have you known about how much importance of cleansing your face? People usually misunderstand that “nourishing the skin” is important than “cleansing the skin.”

Do you know the data?

The researcher claimed that the causes of healthy facial skin came from two parts: cleansing the skin is 70% important and the other 30% is nourishing the skin. No matter how expensive skincare you buy to nourish your skin, if you ignore to cleanse your skin probably and carefully, you are wasting your time and your money. Your skin will not get any better unless you focus on the correct method to cleanse your skin. For my skin type, I have combination skin which the rest of my face is dry except my oily nose skin. I live in Chiang Mai – The northern capital of Thailand, which the fact is in November, December, and January are quite cool. Night temperature may Autumn up to plus ten degrees. The cool weather affects my facial skin getting dryer. Besides, my routine is I usually go running every morning, which makes my skin is full of sweat and bacteria. Thus, my facial skin needs special care because of my dry skin and my dirty. Normally, I didn’t use any specific facial cleansing foam or soap. I always use any foam or soap that I received it from my mom and my friends. However, I don’t think it clean all dirt on my face.

my daily routine.


Japanese soap life

Feel good Daijoubu soap

I was happened to receive the facial soap from ‘daijoubusha’, a Japanese quality brand which this soap is made from powerful natural healing ingredients that penetrate wide pores: wild silk fibroin that removes dirt and leaves moisture on the skin, Japanese shell ginger that gives elasticity, and green tea leaf ingredient oil that helps the skin become moister. The soap can be used for cleansing and delicate areas as it leaves moisture on the skin while removing dirt without straining the skin. This soap removes impurities, excess sebum, and dirt without harsh rubbing. It makes my skin cleaner, softer and smoother but not dry.

Moreover, the most important thing is the proper washing technique.

I recommend how to use daijoubusoap.

I recommend how to use daijoubusoap.


how to use daijoubusoap.

Firstly, ‘Daijoubu’ soap should be used along with a foaming net, facial sponge, or cleansing brush to make rich, dense, creamy white foam. When you add a few drops of water and whip it, it foams almost like a mousse texture. As it becomes a mousse texture, it reduces friction between hands and face. Thus, the facial skin won’t be irritated.

Secondly, use lukewarm water because water temperature extremes can cause irritation so it’s best to stick to a middle ground. You don’t want to see flushed skin in your reflection when you look up.

Thirdly, only wash your face as often as you have to. Ideally you should be washing your face twice a day (once in the morning and once at night), as well as after workouts or any other excessive sweating. But that’s the maximum.

My soaplife




In summary, if you choose the right soap that fits your skin type and conditions along with the proper washing technique, your skin will become better in a short amount of time. And don’t forget the essential fact that “cleansing the skin” is important than “nourishing the skin”. Enjoy cleansing your skin!


研究者は、健康的な顔の皮膚の原因は2つの要素から成り立っていると述べています。肌を洗うことが70%重要で、残りの30%は肌に栄養を与えることです。 肌に栄養を与えるために高価なスキンケア製品を買っても、きちんと丁寧に肌を洗わなければ時間とお金を無駄にしています。肌を正しく洗う方法に集中しない限り、肌は改善されません。 私の肌のタイプは、鼻の皮脂を除いて顔の残りの部分が乾燥している混合肌です。 私はタイの北部の首都、チェンマイに住んでいます。11月、12月、1月はかなり涼しいのが特徴です。夜の気温は10度以上になることがあります。涼しい天候は私の顔の肌を乾燥させます。 さらに、私の日課は毎朝ランニングに行くことで、汗と細菌で顔の皮膚が満たされます。そのため、私の乾燥した肌と汚れのために顔の皮膚は特別なケアが必要です。通常、特定の洗顔フォームや石鹸は使用しません。私はいつも母や友人からもらったフォームや石鹸を使用しています。ただし、それでは顔の汚れを完全にきれいにできていないと思います。





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会社名 合同会社iroiro
サイト名 だいじょうぶ社
住所 〒170-0005 東京都豊島区南大塚2-11-10-ミモザビル3階
TEL 03-6316-0635
メールアドレス thanks@daijoubusha.com
公式LINE お友達登録で500円OFF
URL https://daijoubusha.com/
受付時間 11時-19時(毎週土日曜日、年末年始を除く)